9 research outputs found

    An attribute oriented induction based methodology to aid in predictive maintenance: anomaly detection, root cause analysis and remaining useful life

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    Predictive Maintenance is the maintenance methodology that provides the best performance to industrial organisations in terms of time, equipment effectiveness and economic savings. Thanks to the recent advances in technology, capturing process data from machines and sensors attached to them is no longer a challenging task, and can be used to perform complex analyses to help with maintenance requirements. On the other hand, knowledge of domain experts can be combined with information extracted from the machines’ assets to provide a better understanding of the underlying phenomena. This thesis proposes a methodology to assess the different requirements in relation to Predictive Maintenance. These are (i) Anomaly Detection (AD), (ii) Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and (iii) estimation of Remaining Useful Life (RUL). Multiple machine learning techniques and algorithms can be found in the literature to carry out the calculation of these requirements. In this thesis, the Attribute Oriented Induction (AOI) algorithm has been adopted and adapted to the Predictive Maintenance methodology needs. AOI has the capability of performing RCA, but also possibility to be used as an AD system. With the purpose of performing Predictive Maintenance, a variant, Repetitive Weighted Attribute Oriented Induction (ReWAOI ), has been proposed. ReWAOI has the ability to combine information extracted from the machine with the knowledge of experts in the field to describe its behaviour, and derive the Predictive Maintenance requirements. Through the use of ReWAOI, one-dimensional quantification function from multidimensional data can be obtained. This function is correlated with the evolution of the machine’s wear over time, and thus, the estimation of AD and RUL has been accomplished. In addition, the ReWAOI helps in the description of failure root causes. The proposed contributions of the thesis have been validated in different scenarios, both emulated but also real industrial case studies.Enpresei errendimendu hoberena eskaintzen dien mantentze metodologia Mantentze Prediktiboa da, denbora, ekipamenduen eraginkortasun, eta ekonomia alorretan. Azken urteetan eman diren teknologia aurrerapenei esker, makina eta sensoreetatiko datuen eskuraketa jada ez da erronka, eta manentenimendurako errekerimenduak betetzen laguntzeko analisi konplexuak egiteko erabili daitezke. Bestalde, alorreko jakintsuen ezagutza makinetatik eskuratzen den informazioarekin bateratu daiteke, gertakarien gaineko ulermena hobea izan dadin. Tesi honetan metodologia berri bat proposatzen da, Mantentze Prediktiboarekin lotura duten errekerimenduak betearazten dituena. Ondorengoak dira: (i) Anomalien Detekzioa (AD), (ii) Erro-Kausaren Analisia (RCA), eta (iii) Gainontzeko Bizitza Erabilgarriaren (RUL) estimazioa. Errekerimendu hauen kalkulua burutzeko, ikasketa automatikoko hainbat algoritmo aurkitu daitezke literaturan. Tesi honetan Attribute Oriented Induction (AOI) algoritmoa erabili eta egokitu da Mantentze Prediktiboaren beharretara. AOI-k RCA estimatzeko ahalmena dauka, baina AD kalkulatzeko erabilia izan daiteke baita ere. Mantentze Prediktiboa aplikatzeko helburuarekin, AOI-rentzat aldaera bat proposatu da: Repetitive Weighted Attribute Oriented Induction (ReWAOI ). ReWAOI-k alorreko jakintsuen ezagutza eta makinetatik eskuratutako informazioa bateratzeko ahalmena dauka, makinen portaera deskribatu ahal izateko, eta horrela, Mantentze Prediktiboaren errekerimenduak betetzeko. ReWAOI-ren erabileraren ondorioz, dimentsio bakarreko kuantifikazio funtzioa eskuratu daiteke hainbat dimentsiotako datuetatik. Funztio hau denboran zehar makinak duen higadurarekin erlazionatuta dago, eta beraz, AD eta RUL-aren estimazioak burutu daitezke. Horretaz gain, ReWAOI-k hutsegiteen erro-kausaren deskribapenak eskaintzeko ahalmena dauka. Tesian proposatutako kontribuzioak hainbat erabilpen kasutan balioztatu dira, batzuk emulatuak, eta beste batzuk industria alorreko kasu errealak izanik.El Mantenimiento Predictivo es la metodología de mantenimiento que mejor rendimiento aporta a las organizaciones industriales en cuestiones de tiempo, eficiencia del equipamiento, y rendimiento económico. Gracias a los recientes avances en tecnología, la captura de datos de proceso de máquinas y sensores ya no es un reto, y puede utilizarse para realizar complejos análisis que ayuden con el cumplimiento de los requerimientos de mantenimiento. Por otro lado, el conocimiento de expertos de dominio puede ser combinado con la información extraída de las máquinas para otorgar una mejor comprensión de los fenómenos ocurridos. Esta tesis propone una metodología que cumple con diferentes requerimientos establecidos para el Mantenimiento Predictivo. Estos son (i) la Detección de Anomalías (AD), el Análisis de la Causa-Raíz (RCA) y (iii) la estimación de la Vida Útil Remanente. Pueden encontrarse múltiples técnicas y algoritmos de aprendizaje automático en la literatura para llevar a cabo el cálculo de estos requerimientos. En esta tesis, el algoritmo Attribute Oriented Induction (AOI) ha sido seleccionado y adaptado a las necesidades que establece el Mantenimiento Predictivo. AOI tiene la capacidad de estimar el RCA, pero puede usarse, también, para el cálculo de la AD. Con el propósito de aplicar Mantenimiento Predictivo, se ha propuesto una variante del algoritmo, denominada Repetitive Weighted Attribute Oriented Induction (ReWAOI ). ReWAOI tiene la capacidad de combinar información extraída de la máquina y conocimiento de expertos de área para describir su comportamiento, y así, poder cumplir con los requerimientos del Mantenimiento Predictivo. Mediante el uso de ReWAOI, se puede obtener una función de cuantificación unidimensional, a partir de datos multidimensionales. Esta función está correlacionada con la evolución de la máquina en el tiempo, y por lo tanto, la estimación de AD y RUL puede ser realizada. Además, ReWAOI facilita la descripción de las causas-raíz de los fallos producidos. Las contribuciones propuestas en esta tesis han sido validadas en distintos escenarios, tanto en casos de uso industriales emulados como reales

    Providing Proactiveness:Data Analysis Techniques Portfolios

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    Proactive and collaborative decision support is an integral part of a proactive maintenance strategy. Condition monitoring is only one part of the equation, since the actual assets’ condition needs to be combined with other relevant information, such as customer needs, ambient conditions, business models and service contracts in order for a service team to make the right decision and take the appropriate actions. The goal of the MANTIS project is to provide the service team with an intuitive, proactive and context-aware system for industrial maintenance that supports maintenance by proactively pushing relevant information to the right people at the right time, by intelligently filtering and summarizing information to prevent information overload through context awareness, by automatically and dynamically scheduling and adapting maintenance plans, thereby keeping the human in the loop at all times. The chapter is organized as follows: • Section 5.2 focuses on root cause analysis providing a short introduction to the theoretical background and a catalogue of techniques that have been demonstrated to be useful in this kind of analysis. Such techniques are mainly based on statistical and machine learning approaches. Moreover, a set of real-world applications are shortly introduced; • Section 5.3 deals with the identification of the remaining useful life of components. The section provides a short theoretical background, a catalogue of the useful approaches, and an analysis of some use cases to demonstrate the applicability of the described techniques analysing different modelling approaches; • Section 5.4 investigates how to alert and predict failures. The section provides an extensive catalogue of useful techniques. The presented techniques are also mainly based on statistical and machine learning approaches; • Section 5.5 provides some real examples that come from different application domains where most of the techniques previously presented have been applied with valuable results